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Autumn Winter 2013 Puppies Sandy 2013 Puppies Autumn 2013 Puppies

Durgin Puppies 2005

Durgin started delivery just before 8:00PM on this first full day of summer, June 22, 2005.  Unfortunately the first one out was a tiny male that weighed only 4 ½ ounces, who was stillborn.  However the next one was a beautiful, broken coated male at 9 3/8 ounces, his name is Darby.  Next followed a very small girl (Grace) coming in at 6 3/8 ounces.  These first three were all whelped within 10 minutes!  After an hour wait, numbers 4 and 5 came out - both backwards.  These were both very large with the girl (Joy) weighing 10 ounces and the monster boy ( Sterling) at 10 5/8 ounces.  Finally, the last one (Oscar) made his appearance around 10:15, coming in at a very nice 8 ¾ ounces.   After going to sleep around 1:15AM and ensuring everyone was doing well around 3:30AM the household slept well until 6:00AM, or so it seemed.  Coming into the kitchen/whelping room at 6:00, all 6 of the puppies were doing well.  Quick head snap resulting in a recount of the puppies showed yes indeed there were 6 in there with Durgin.  Upon further inspection, there was a new one who was very wet having been whelped within the last ½ hour.  Omah weighed in at a very healthy 9 ½ ounces.  So, for the third time in a row Durgin had 3 boys and 3 girls.

The sire of these little masked wonders was CH Aran Isles Haul Away Joe.

Birth - Settling down for their first night's sleep.

Week 1 - Durgin counting/watching the puppies after coming back into the pen from getting a meal.

Week 2 - Butt check, Durgin doing her motherly duty.

Week 3 - Grace with a milk moustache.

Week 4 - All lined up awaiting lunch.

Week 5 - A new meaning to over and under.

Week 6 - Pleading to come out of the pen and play.

Week 7 - Learning that hunting is fun - even if it is just little bugs.

Week 8 - Oh what fun it is to bite your ear.